18IA: Building Iowa's Railroads

When the railroads came to Iowa, what rail baron ended as the richest? Now you decide. Based on the 18XX series of rail games, 18IA is a 2-5 player game that should take about 3-4 hours to play.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Quotes submitted

I submitted two quote requests to see what my current design would cost - one as a mostly assemble-it-myself affair after I get the boards printed, another as a full they-do-it deal.

The full they-do-it deal had some numbers that made me grin. Here's my guesses as to my market size:
  • Gamer friends I can count on to buy anything: 5
  • People who immediately buy everything train-, 18xx- or Iowa-related, God bless 'em: 45
  • 18xx people looking for interesting games and will jump on 18IA as a new game: 50-250
  • Newbies to 18xx looking for immediately-available introductory games since the Deep Thought backlog is always several months long: 10-200
  • 18xx people who research carefully and will eventually decide to buy it: 200-600.
This supports my tiered-release concept quite well (solicit pre-orders for first tier, then have first tier sales fund second tier's printing). I'm getting quotes for several sizes of print runs. If 18IA is my flagship game, I don't want it to go out of print, but I also don't want one billion copies in my house, either.


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