18IA: Building Iowa's Railroads

When the railroads came to Iowa, what rail baron ended as the richest? Now you decide. Based on the 18XX series of rail games, 18IA is a 2-5 player game that should take about 3-4 hours to play.

Friday, January 4, 2008

More PostScript work on ps18xx

I am much closer to producing tile sheets now that I'm getting tips from the 18xx Yahoo group. There is much poring over of the tile encyclopedia to be done.

I have town tiles that I like, and need to create tile definitions. Part of the beauty of ps18xx is the ease of creating tiles similar to other ones. I still think there's room for improvements for designers. If someone (like me) created a file with all the known tile definitions, you could have a big, poster-sized file. The space savings achieved by cutting up the file is negligible, so it looks like to me it would have been easier to keep all the definitions intact.

Ideally, someone would put together a big, cross-referenced frontend so you could set up your own variant files just by clicking on tiles you wanted, as opposed to the cut-and-paste work I'm doing now. Ah, well, that's the future for you - not here yet.


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