18IA: Building Iowa's Railroads

When the railroads came to Iowa, what rail baron ended as the richest? Now you decide. Based on the 18XX series of rail games, 18IA is a 2-5 player game that should take about 3-4 hours to play.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Des Moines and the playtest train count

There is no corporation with a starting station in Des Moines.

I have the Fort Dodge, Des Moines and Southern Railroad as a private corporation thus far, as it's a relatively-local outfit. I have given this private corporation two special abilites that I think are going to result in heavy bidding:

1. second yellow-only track lay during each yellow operating round, possibly costing $30-60.
2. half-price station placement in Des Moines. This is naturally worth either $20 or $50.

My experiments with the second track placement show that it's useful in cutting off opponents until you are clear. It also makes it possible for more railroads to run during the first round; by placing a second yellow track to reach a town or city, a viable route is created. If a viable route is present, the railroad is forced to buy a 2 train on the first turn.

My current playtest train count is as follows:
  • five 2 trains
  • two 2+1 trains
  • four 3 trains
  • two 3+2 trains (yes, better than the 4 train if you've got the towns on your routes already)
  • four 4 trains
  • two 4+2 trains (yes, better than the 5 train if you've got the towns on your routes already)
  • three 5 trains
  • two 6 trains
  • three 7 trains
  • unlimited 8 trains

In actual practice, I doubt that most corporations will be able to run any routes more complex than 6, maybe 7. It could happen, though, if players can mutually agree to keep stations clear, or if one player controls several railroads. Indeed, this may be an excellent reason to own an under-performing railroad in the late game, as it could well double the payout.

I am also hoping to stop the so-called train rush - the push to upgrade trains immediately regardless of board position. In actual practice, individual corporations probably can force a jump upwards to green tiles almost immediately if they want to buy trains that are likely to rust without paying for themselves. I'm hoping that this mix creates meaningful decisions for players, rather than railroading (har har) them every game.


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